Cincinnati, OH
"There's an entire class of individuals here in America who drop in under cover of darkness, without papers-- no work or visitor Visas-- who are a terrible drain on America's over-burdened and dwindling resources, who contribute nothing, and I mean NOTHING, to American society or the economy," bellowed House Minority Leader, John Boehner, at a recent Ohio GOP rally. "And I'm not talking about Mexicans either... although their contributions are highly debatable as well," he continued.
"No, I'm talking about babies, folks. Those crumb-crunching, slobbering, shrieking little fecal factories who demand to be waited on, hand and foot, and don't have the decency to even speak the language... any language," roared the Congressman, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. "The so-called traditional maternity leave, and now the Family Medical Leave Act, two unpaid-for socialist programs designed exclusively for this particular elite subgroup, are bankrupting America, folks, and that's a fact," he assured his base. "They're draining American tax-payers, and they're strangling American businesses. Remember that come this November!" he concluded. Shouts of "Obama was a baby!" and "Obama is a baby-lover!" and "Repeal Obama-Obaby-care!" were chanted by the thick crowd.
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